Tag: antminer
Nachdem die Einspeisevergütung sinkt und der Strompreis steigt, Stromspeicher astronomisch teuer sind, kam mir DIE Idee: Den Überflüssigen Strom, einfach in einen Miner zu stecken. Wie ich im Nachhinein …
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Heute mal das lang erwartete Fazit für meinen Miner. Welchen Ertrag ich hatte und was ich damit gemacht habe. Wer mich unterstützen möchte und zufällig was bei Amazon bestellt, …
Touring the largest Bitcoin Mines in North America and showing you what goes into building these giant power hungry crypto currency farms with electricity & cooling. This video was …
I’m mining Bitcoin in my house INDIRECTLY?? I’m mining altcoins and auto dumping them with this profitable crypto miner. Subscribe to VoskCoin to stay up to date! http://voskco.in/Sub Bityard …
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Zcash ZEC equihash mining update, what are the best and most profitable miners for these coins in 2023 along with the Innosilicon A9 official review! Subscribe to VoskCoin for …
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Review of the MicroBT Whatsminer M20s Bitcoin BTC miner. This Bitcoin ASIC miner hashes 68 th/s on average poolside. Let's review the Whatsminer M20s, setup guide, and BTC mining …
Mining Bitcoin at home is no longer profitable, the Bitcoin mining network difficulty is rising much faster than the Bitcoin price. Lets review Bitcoin Mining in 2019 going into …