Tag: aura podcast
1. The tweet that sets it off. 2. The story 3. The network 4. The method 5. The dominos fallin 6. Why hodling makes this better We produce. You …
1. ADA Liquidity 101 2. What Coinbase offers Cardano 3. Pros n Cons to Coinbase 4. What you didnt think of... 5. What the data is pointing to... 6. …
A quick impromptu discussion on why ETH is exposing it's "built to work" flaws and how Cardano simply needs to get it right. CH: "Check" VB: "but, but...Rollups" Seems …
Long form show (aren't they all?) Beyond speculation, beyond pump, beyond charts... Ep.70 is a conversation that explores the contextual beauty of 3 incredible forces are heading towards each …