Tag: crypto

Should You Buy Bitcoin?

Alux Answers: "Should You Buy Bitcoin?" Ask us a question: https://www.alux.com/question 15Qin15Days Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OqIsLcOb24&list=PLP35LyTOQVIssya5K7lc6iW5sY1tkTcf2&index=1 In this Alux.com video we'll try to answer the following questions: Should you buy bitcoin? …

Tone Vays and Richard Heart talk Bitcoin, futures, options, tether, usdt and more.

@ToneVays is Tone's twitter. 10% discount Go long or short Bitcoin up to 100x (2x is safer) https://www.bitmex.com/register/EYT1vW 10% discount https://www.bitfinex.com/?refcode=rqqf6p0w6b Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichardHeartWin Youtube: https://youtube.com/RichardHeart Telegram:https://t.me/joinchat/E5Mk3Q57DNbrt7bs9JTPsA Discord: https://discord.gg/gvyFnKu Computational …