Tag: Cypherglass

EOS on Ledger: Importing Existing Accounts

EOS on Ledger Setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw-cLozYUok&t=8s Install Ledger Live: https://www.ledger.com/pages/ledger-live Install Fairy Wallet: https://github.com/tarassh/fairy-wallet/releases/ Install Greymass Wallet (for changing permissions on your existing EOS account): https://github.com/greymass/eos-voter/releases Cypherglass is a Top …

100k New EOS Accounts

HireVibes Article: https://medium.com/@HireVibes/hirevibes-eos-snapshot-update-2ed0b5410d18 EOS New York Snapshots As A Service: Airdrops for All Article: https://medium.com/eos-new-york/snapshots-as-a-service-airdrops-for-all-2bd51548b1ac EOSSNAPSHOTS.IO : https://www.eossnapshots.io/ Cypherglass strives to be the Block Producer that listens to you: …