Tag: ecommerce
Daniel Dabek chief architect of Safex gives the development update for December 11, 2017
Daniel Dabek delivers the Safex Development update for December 4th, 2017 https://safe.exchange/t/safex-development-update-december-4-2017/2548 https://safex.io https://twitter.com/safe_exchange https://twitter.com/dandabek
Ivana Tudorovic explains the Safex Dividend Calculator how it works and what a scenario looks like using the projections. Safex Calculator Article: https://medium.com/@ivanatudor/safex-dividend-calculator-why-what-and-how-b71f381fd33 https://safex.io https://safe.exchange https://twitter.com/safe_Exchange https://twitter.com/ivanatudor
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