Tag: eos referendum
EOS To Drop Inflation Rate From 5% to 1% Today I share with you the great news that EOS will likely drop it's inflation from 5% to 1%. What …
Just a few days ago, the EOS User Agreement received enough Block Producer votes to pass and replace the Interim EOS Constitution! This is a historic moment for EOS, …
Referendum Proposals: https://eosauthority.com/polls Please consider proxying your vote to: eosvibesvote. By proxying your vote to eosvibesvote, your EOS account will be registered as having voted for the same 30 …
Big EOS News! The EOS User Agreement is now up for vote on the official EOS Referendum System. What does this mean for the future of EOS, and how …
We are back with some updates from EOS world and we look at progress on referendums and discuss some things like When REX, what is public opinion on ECAF, …
Good TRON Bad TRON is back with a vengeance right before niTRON summit, EOS referendum goes live, and Mike Finch joins to give us all the details about the …
I recently just noticed something quite strange on EOS right now. Everything EOS Podcast: https://youtu.be/skaWbJJn2P4 EOS Authority Polls: https://eosauthority.com/polls_details?proposal=rex4all_20190112&lnc=en https://eosauthority.com/polls_details?proposal=burnsaving_20190111&lnc=en Crypto Tim proudly sponsored by Airdrops DAC and the …
#newkidsontheblockchain #eos #eos2019 This week it's all about EOS as the New Kids On The Blockchain look at what happened across the EOS ecosystem across 2018 and what's planned …
UPDATE: Thanks to Josh Kauffman from EOS Canada for clarifying that in order for a Referendum to pass, it simply needs 10% more YES votes than NO votes, not …
The EOS Referendum Tool will be live in less than a week. This has huge implications for EOS and blockchain in general. We cover everything you need to know …