Tag: eosio

EOS Rex Fix + BlockOne Testnet

Big changes to EOS REX and a new official EOSio Testnet from BlockOne. Telos (TLOS) Blockchain: https://eosio.support/telos-tlos EOS Airdrop/Airgrab Notification Group: https://eosnewswire.one/eos-airdrops-and-airgrabs/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EosHodl EOS Tutorials, How …

? New FAST Bitcoin Cash Point-of-Sale Merchant Terminal by EletroPay for a bit over $100

Bitcoin Cash once again proves its worth in the field of peer-to-peer merchant payments. New point-of-sale terminal by EletroPay and Bitcoin.com ● Relevant Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ekbtf4/another_bitcoin_cash_merchant_solution_being/ https://twitter.com/ColinTCrypto/status/1213846494568161281 https://www.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-cash-register/ https://eletropay.com/ https://www.bitcoin.com/bitcoin.pdf …