Tag: filmmaker
摄影 @我有两只胖猫 特别感谢:彩蜂摄影字幕组 中文:Gavin Cyan 监制:Stanley 商务合作以及联系方式,请见频道简介: 邮箱:colorbeephotography@gmail.com 新浪微博:@彩蜂摄影大马猫本 微信公众号:《墨尔本彩蜂摄影》cbphotography Instagram: Colorbee Photography B站:@大马猫本
Filmmaker Kevin Smith joins us to talk about 'Killroy Was Here', the first film in HISTORY to be sold exclusively as a non-fungible token (NFT)! Plus Jay & Silent …
I explain why I sold my EOS R and upgraded to the Canon R5 for photo and video. I unbox a Canon R5, a BG-R10 Battery Grip, a Control …
Shoutout to Canon For Sponsoring a portion of this episode! Canon EOS RP Webcam Starter + Power Supply Kit: https://canon.us/qrp5w Get $180 off the EOS RP Webcam Starter + …
We take a first look at the new Canon Cinema EOS C70. This cinema camera may look like a still camera, but with features such as mini XLR connections …
US: Canon EOS-R: https://amzn.to/2U6tWx9 UK: Canon EOS-R: https://amzn.to/2OSvuIp US: Canon 5D Mark IV: https://amzn.to/2MqkQr5 UK: Canon 5D Mark IV: http://amzn.to/2Fhsa3n Skillshare Resource Filmmaking Class: https://skl.sh/3iVInio Canon EOSR Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGPxUDEGMfs …
Canon abandons touch bar, movie mode and recording button, introduces Rate button to the EOS R5. New specs included in this video. You need to watch this now. If …
ПРЕДЗАПИСЬ В ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ: https://clck.ru/MJYdS | https://bit.ly/3cceCGX Здорова, киноделы! Давненько у нас не было сравнений камер, да? Пришло время это исправить! Сегодня у нас невероятное сравнение двух очень разных камер: …
RFレンズはやっぱいいなぁ〜…? ✨✨Social✨✨ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yukaohishi Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/0oyukao0 Podcast: https://geni.us/stillrendering Website: http://blossomlink.me ✨✨撮影機材など✨✨ EOS R https://geni.us/VVs7oB EOS R につけてるレンズ https://geni.us/UbkpPNN EOS R の EFレンズアダプター https://geni.us/01Op Om-d カメラ本体 https://geni.us/omdem1 Om-d の広角レンズ https://geni.us/12mmlens ズームレンズ https://geni.us/45mmzoom ワイヤレスマイク https://geni.us/rodego …
La EOS R5 potrebbe essere una rivoluzione, una volta svelate tutte le caratteristiche... ma per il momento, la rivoluzione già la vedo: Canon ha deciso di fare concorrenza aperta …