Tag: IOG
Cardano Live Premiere with Charles Hoskinson. If you have suggestions for guests and topics, please email Cardano Live at cardanolive@gmail.com. Thanks! Check out Cardano Live on social media https://twitter.com/CardanoLive …
1. The tweet that sets it off. 2. The story 3. The network 4. The method 5. The dominos fallin 6. Why hodling makes this better We produce. You …
1. ADA Liquidity 101 2. What Coinbase offers Cardano 3. Pros n Cons to Coinbase 4. What you didnt think of... 5. What the data is pointing to... 6. …
Charles Hoskinson's message to the newcomers - Cardano, ADA Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d8dChQV2WY&pbjreload=000 ADA tip jar: addr1qxvh7ve5qvmv0kju3rzzvgnyw9cagh3m7ycemzhxtcjt3fgxpl5q589yd5pjwz20exd5ra0dg2nk352f0nr8dp3yzq9sv56kvn
Bitboy and Charles on Cardano vs Polkadot, the strength of the Cardano community and liquidity is coming. @IOHK_Charles @Bitboy_Crypto @cryptomanran11 #Cardano $ADA #polkadot $dot ADA tip jar: addr1qxvh7ve5qvmv0kju3rzzvgnyw9cagh3m7ycemzhxtcjt3fgxpl5q589yd5pjwz20exd5ra0dg2nk352f0nr8dp3yzq9sv56kvn
A quick impromptu discussion on why ETH is exposing it's "built to work" flaws and how Cardano simply needs to get it right. CH: "Check" VB: "but, but...Rollups" Seems …
Charles on where he sees Cardano in five to ten years. @IOHK_Charles @Adam_Stokesy #Cardano $ADA ADA tip jar: addr1qxvh7ve5qvmv0kju3rzzvgnyw9cagh3m7ycemzhxtcjt3fgxpl5q589yd5pjwz20exd5ra0dg2nk352f0nr8dp3yzq9sv56kvn
#Cardano #Ada #Emurgo Please consider delegating to our Cardano stake pool to help us make more videos like these. You can delegate to our pool by searching for our …
Charles on the Ripple lawsuit and what it means for Cardano & other third-generation cryptocurrencies.