Canon just released a new firmware update for the R5 that includes a couple really important features for the camera. In this video I share my thoughts on the … is an incredible tool for creatives like me who create videos for my own creativity AND professionals delivering top tier quality videos to their clients. The biggest advantage …
This is a quick little video on how I use the Auto Focus system on my Canon EOS R5 and R6. These cameras are incredible and this video will …
摄影 @我有两只胖猫 特别感谢:彩蜂摄影字幕组 中文:Gavin Cyan 监制:Stanley 商务合作以及联系方式,请见频道简介: 邮箱 新浪微博:@彩蜂摄影大马猫本 微信公众号:《墨尔本彩蜂摄影》cbphotography Instagram: Colorbee Photography B站:@大马猫本
如果说佳能的EOS R5把8K视频拍摄,带到消费级市场领域,但是高昂的后期成本让人望而却步。那么索尼的A1,才是 把8K的拍摄,做到了真正意义上的可用的级别。目前来说,全8K流程制作还不太现实,目前8K视频是为了更好的4K视频制作 需求,比如更高的画面解析力表现,更自由的后期裁切需求。对于用户来说,如果你目前是4K的生产流程,那么A1的加入基本不会带来额外的后期配套设备的投入。 感谢模特小姐姐ins @mia.mmmiii 拍摄协助@reggie_wan @杜松涛
当人们谈起悉尼时,他们会第一时间想到悉尼歌剧院,而每当有人问我墨尔本的特色时,我竟一时语塞.在墨尔本呆了四年半的时间,虽然我知道哪里的咖啡最正宗,哪里的brunch最好吃,我也经常用相机记录在墨尔本的点点滴滴,等将来的某一天,我也会拼凑出属于我自己的城市记忆.但是2020这个特殊的年份,让我意识到很多事情就像白驹过隙,转瞬即逝.所以这只视频,就当作开篇,就由@Carly.Yang木易小月_ 来和大家讲述一个,看到,听到,体会到的墨尔本. 都说摄影师有一双善于发现美的眼睛,而墨尔本最吸引我的地方就在于有挖掘不完的美,每当我需要灵感的时候,我会去看一场st kilda的落日去Fitzory的小巷子看涂鸦的喷绘,或者去NGV逛一次艺术展.一座城市不应该被任何一个名词概括,相反,当你可以滔滔不绝这座城市的多样性时,那才是一个真正令人向往的地方. 感谢字幕小哥@Morland 使用器材: 佳能EOS R5 /佳能15-35mm F2.8/佳能24-70mm F2.8/佳能70-200mm F2.8/佳能50mm F1.2/大疆 悟2+X7
In this video I take a look at the Canon EOS R5 as a photo camera. Mainly I take a look at it's performance in studio and in outdoor …
Realmente vale la pena? Dejemos que el vídeo responda por si solo la pregunta! Espero que les guste el video, costo mucho editarlo y ustedes pudieron ser testigo de …
The Canon EOS RP is one of the cheapest full-frame cameras you can get for your money in 2019. Featuring the latest technologies from Canon and using the new …
Here is my first vlog with the EOS R. It was mostly filmed on the 16-35 2.8 with the Bayonet Adapter. I also used this set up with a …