Tag: lax highlights

Vermont vs Penn Highlights

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Review: STX Rival Helmet

ECD Greg reviews the new STX Rival Helmet. Rival Customizer: https://www.universallacrosse.com/blog/new-stx-rival-helmet-customizer/ Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to ECD Lacrosse for more gear reviews, tutorials, custom sticks, and more! http://bit.ly/SubscribeEC Looking …

Review: STX Ultra Power

ECD Greg gives you an in depth look into the new STX Ultra Power Universal Lacrosse: http://www.universallacrosse.com/stx-ultra-power-lacrosse-head.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwxZnYBRAVEiwANMTRX2xzRI1s1ZbH9OuCoNbH7-rz7SVxwV5FikzQ7lXUTkUqiF0RkFX3khoCAu8QAvD_BwE Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to ECD Lacrosse for more gear reviews, tutorials, …