Tag: mesh
A close up look at the new STX Rival lacrosse Helmet. https://www.stx.com/rival-helmet
ECD Greg gives you an in depth look into the new STX Ultra Power Universal Lacrosse: http://www.universallacrosse.com/stx-ultra-power-lacrosse-head.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwxZnYBRAVEiwANMTRX2xzRI1s1ZbH9OuCoNbH7-rz7SVxwV5FikzQ7lXUTkUqiF0RkFX3khoCAu8QAvD_BwE Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to ECD Lacrosse for more gear reviews, tutorials, …
A look at the upcoming STX ULTRA POWER https://www.stx.com/ultra-power-lacrosse-head A HEAD IMAGINED & ENGINEERED TO MAKE YOUR SHOT FASTER Nearly five years ago, we began an exploration of Jai …
ECD Greg and ECD Pro Lauren Lea review the STX Crux 600 Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to ECD Women's Lacrosse for more gear reviews, tutorials, custom sticks, and more! …
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Always innovative, STX lacrosse shows IL's Gear and Lifestyle Editor Kyle Devitte the new mesh they are debuting for women's sticks.
STX Engineer, John Coe, takes us through how to string up a Crux 600 head using Crux Mesh. Try it out, snap a pic, and tag us on Instagram …
STX is proud to introduce the first mesh designed for the women's game. Engineered for any playing style and head, Crux Mesh offers a better hold, a more consistent …
Although not a goalie, Greg takes a shot at reviewing the new Eclipse 2. The pattern we used for this video is: 11D Topstring. Topstring on 3rd sidewall hole. …