Tag: NEO

NEO DevCon, Mantis Ethereum, tZERO Launch, EOS Making Progress & RobinHood In New York

Support Me On Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TheModernInvestor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect And Store Your Crypto With A Ledger Nano: https://www.ledger.com?r=8af3ed38d3b7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy Bitcoin And Ethereum With Fiat On Binance! https://www.binance.je/?ref=35009618 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open An …

Bitcoin Crushes Gold & Fiat In Tech – Why Is The Price & Adoption Not Higher?

Bitcoin is technologically superio to gold and fiat, but what is holding it back from reaching astronimical price highs and taking on gold in market cap? Sources https://www.ccn.com/3-2-trillion-in-bitcoin-payments-processed-in-2018-is-the-cryptocurrency-a-better-version-of-gold/ https://bitcoinist.com/nasdaq-ceo-bitcoin-currency-future/ …