Tag: Rode
Canon just released a new firmware update for the R5 that includes a couple really important features for the camera. In this video I share my thoughts on the …
Artlist.io is an incredible tool for creatives like me who create videos for my own creativity AND professionals delivering top tier quality videos to their clients. The biggest advantage …
This is a quick little video on how I use the Auto Focus system on my Canon EOS R5 and R6. These cameras are incredible and this video will …
#review #manley #300b ??? Check out the amp here: http://bit.ly/2IqvxHW ??? Audio Art Cable (AAC) https://bit.ly/3gDSiYM Contact Rob: Rob@audioartcable.com 619-255-6451 NX-Oticas: https://bit.ly/342gxeQ M3 Sapphire: https://bit.ly/3dP3i4i MY Desert Island Amplifiers... …
Rig Buildout: - Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 - Lens: Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 - Cage: Smallrig GH5 Gh5s cage - 2049 - Top Handle: Smallrig Handle w/ Locating Hole for …
В этом выпуске PWE News: • Nikon D6: https://clck.ru/MD7zT • Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III: https://clck.ru/MD7zh • Vision Research VEO 14 350 к/с: https://clck.ru/MD7zy • RØDE NT-USB Mini: https://clck.ru/MD82D …
Así suena regulando y acelerando sin movernos. Características sonoras del caño de escape y motor. Recomiendo unos buenos auriculares o parlantes para disfrutar mas del sonido de esta moto …
Je vous présente mon RIG pour suréquiper un GH5 et en tirer tout le potentiel. Dans quel but, quelles sont les implications, quels composants choisir ? Moniteur : ATOMOS …
Related Post: Bitcoin sẽ chiếm ưu thế trên thế giới, bcc sẽ bị xóa khỏi sàn tin bitcoin ngày 9 Sound Sound yg ada dilapangan SLEMANAN 21-10-2018 Outdoor Speaker …
Pequeña y manejable pensada para llevar siempre encima. Modo manual y semi automáticos de fotografía. Además de grabación en 4K y cámara lenta: https://www.casanovafoto.com/canon-camara-eos-m50-negro-62853.html