Tag: sec
Should you invest your profits or capital into Bitcoin Crypto?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! LINKS: #1- http://www.globalcryptopress.com/2017/11/breaking-bitconnect-ponzi-scheme.html #2- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/06/08/bitcoin-isnt-the-future-of-money-its-either-a-ponzi-scheme-or-a-pyramid-scheme/?utm_term=.40b5270412e9 #3- http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/view_from_chicago/2013/04/bitcoin_is_a_ponzi_scheme_the_internet_currency_will_collapse.html #4- http://fortune.com/2017/07/27/howard-marks-bitcoin-pyramid-scheme/ #5- https://www.sec.gov/investor/alerts/ia_virtualcurrencies.pdf Thanks for checking out my channel. …
Since I've received some questionable comments as of late oddly enough from people that didn't trade any of these coins I made this video to go over them. Safe …
Silver Shield BU MiniMintages https://www.goldenstatemint.com/Silver-shield-collection/ Silver Shield Group Proof MicroMintages At https://silvershieldxchange.com/content/join-silver-shield-group/ Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/c6YC/
➡ JOIN THE YOLONIEX DISCORD!!! https://yoloniex.net/discord ➡ VIEW MY SAFE EXCHANGE COIN ANALYSIS THREAD!!! http://yoloniex.net/showthread.php?tid=1&pid=8#pid8 DISCLAIMER: This is by no stretch financial advice and explicitly for entertainment/educational purposes. Trade …
In this report I discuss the implications to bitcoin and its price as the CME group announces it will launch a bitcoin futures contract before the and of 2017. …
Checkout this informative video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA5Pe8AsRQU https://safe.exchange/ https://coinmarketcap.com/ Twitter: Zachcook8
Target price for Safe Exchange Coin is around $0.40 USA. It is currently inching close to $0.01. If you haven't been able to invest in a solid coin at …
Safe Exchange is a good looking project. Do you think it's one to back? My thoughts are in this video -- Join Group- http://CoinFomo.com/group Free 1,000 Chill Coin - …
Overstock is a pretty big e commerce site and also one of a kind to that matter as it now accepting litecoin with various other cryptocurrencies as payment it's …
Developer Update July 23 https://safe.exchange/t/safe-exchange-developer-update-july-23-2017/804 Twitter https://twitter.com/safe_exchange Safex forum https://safe.exchange/ https://safe.exchange/t/when-will-the-blockchain-be-activated/681 https://safe.exchange/t/chille-blockchain-and-network/532/17 My twitter: zachcook8