Tag: singularityNet
Revue de marché Crypto-Monnaies Lundi 2 Septembre 2019, Bitcoin BTC et Alts Coins, Ethereum ETH, Litecoin LTC, ENJ Enjin, WAN Wanchain, BCH ABC Bitcoin Cash, WABI, MATIC, Ethereum Classic …
Revue de marché Crypto-Monnaies Dimanche 1er Septembre 2019, Bitcoin BTC et Alts Coins, Ethereum ETH, Litecoin LTC, SIAcoin, PolyMath, GNT Golem, NGC Naga, BAT Basic Attention Token, GVT Genesis …
Like. Comment. Subscribe. Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltcoinDailyio BITCOIN WILL BE OVER $10K BY 2023 HALVING, MODEL SHOWS https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-price-10k-by-2020-halving-model-stock-flow/ Stock-to-Flow model https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD/status/1123691786252189697 Ripple: Interest from existing customers for new functionalities like xRapid …
SNET adds a 74th repository last week, which is the Virtual Assistant repo, which aims to take a slice of the oncoming 19.6 billion USD intelligent virtual assistant market …
In this video I give an update on five altcoin cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency technical analysis and crypto news. Trading crypto.
Today Nvidia released the Jetson Nano Dev embedded chip, which costs just $99 and can be used for AI edge computing from devices on the internet of things. https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/buy/jetson-nano-devkit …
Twitter: https://twitter.com/digibytehelper DGBAT: https://twitter.com/DGBAT_Official DigiByte Blockchain: https://www.DigiByte.io Digi-ID: https://www.Digi-ID.io
Airdrops War Field Airdrop https://play.warfield.com/#/refer/f4e6302328118963d79f17be57087928 Aelf https://candybox.ai/aelf/account/register?invitationCode=0M2R0AfFfR7B Elastos Airdrop https://elanews.net/2018/07/04/elastos-ecosystem-airdrop-plan/ Raven Protocol A decentralized and distributed deep learning training protocol http://www.ravenprotocol.com/ EOS Airdrop DAO EOS O3 Lab Alchemint Airdrop …
Email: cryptojacktv@gmail.com Twitter: @cryptoblackjack Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/CRYPTOJACKTV Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/themoonmafia/ Telegram announcements : https://t.me/cjann Telegram Pool group MOON MAFIA: t.me/joinchat/HUDJYEy_8JwEMsQQhIFKDQ Russian Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Fs-VJhFS6SKP9EQ13dqobg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buy LEDGER NANO : https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/f99f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news - blockchain voting in Switzerland, Ethereum Classic added to Coinbase, big data is big, more bank and financial regulator double standards, and project updates. Ethereum …