Tag: Smart city
In diesem Video geht es um die neuesten Nachrichten rund um IOTA, allen voran die Partnerschaft im Bereich carbon credits/ CO2-Emissionsrechte, dem enuen Produkt Xayn sowie der Trennung von …
Come to learn new technology from the inspiring panel speech of “Smart City Transformation with Video AI Solutions” Want to check slides? https://advcloudfiles.advantech.com/events/assets/8916c496-9c6c-44f1-a606-b12435d8382f/agenda-slides/C-3-Video-AI-Solution_V3_20191202.pdf
Come to learn new technology from the inspiring panel speech of “Progressing Smart City & Industry 4.0 with Transformative Technology“ Want to check slides? https://advcloudfiles.advantech.com/events/assets/8916c496-9c6c-44f1-a606-b12435d8382f/agenda-slides/4-Panel-Discussion---Progressing-Smart-City--Industry-40-with-Transformative-Technology-03122019.pdf
Highlights of Roland Busch, Deputy CEO & CTO, Siemens, Keynote at Smart City Expo World Congress 2019. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I will share with you some thoughts …
Smart eTech generic and Cloud Platform that could be connected to any IoT kit.
Jason Shepherd, Edge, and IoT CTO, Dell Technologies and Mat Yarger, Head of Smart Cities, IOTA Foundation discuss the launch of Project Alvarium: Data Confidence Fabric, a project developed …
IOTA, Jaguar Land Rover and Positive Cityxchange explores the potential of #DLT | #Blockchain for IoT and Smart Cities at #NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. Agenda: IOTA updates: Organisation, Technology, …
The IOTA Foundation invites you to a special event hosted by the University of Texas in the Mulva Auditorium located in the Engineering Education and Research Center starting at …
Durante la Milano Digital Week, nel corso di un evento a cui ho partecipato, TIM ha dato la possibilità di toccare con mano 5 use cases del 5G applicati …
Mehr zu unseren #IoT News finden Sie auf featured Business: https://www.vodafone.de/business/featured/technologie/vodafone-iot-news/ Besuchen Sie featured Business, Vodafones Magazin für digitale Kultur: ► https://www.vodafone.de/business/featured Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Youtube-Kanal: ► https://vod.af/VodafoneDeutschland …