Tag: smart contracts

EOS – первая операционная система на блокчейне

Доклад Дэна Ларимера на конференции Consensus 2017, проходившей в Нью-Йорке 22 мая. Доклад посвящён презентации EOS - первой операционной системе на блокчейне. EOS - это продолжение разработок технологии graphene, …

Ep. # 379- Aragon Network (ANT) Crowdsale / Kraken Enables USDT/USD Margin / Gnosis ICO on Kraken

?Thank You For Watching! Currently Playing: Outlast 2- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPFzl269uOXZdbNTpJEfSBmZLU-YIP9v5 ?►Follow me on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@crypt0/ ?Original Ethereum Coin (Silver Plated) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WFSY07E/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00WFSY07E&linkCode=as2&tag=obham001-20&linkId=94f43a18a44e4f6dd9a0e7152b0bccee ?.999 Fine Gold Bitcoin Commemorative Round Collectors Coin - …

Ep. # 368- Storj Coin Full Speed Ahead / Aragon Network Whitepaper / Last Chance for ETC Refunds

?Thank You For Watching! Currently Playing: Outlast 2- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPFzl269uOXZdbNTpJEfSBmZLU-YIP9v5 ?Today's Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5LNb-_T9_g&list=PL4CxcnSy5_bjBgFQP54eiRTRB14gLc2Pb ?►Follow me on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@crypt0/ ?Storj.io - Migration From Counterparty To Ethereum: http://blog.storj.io/post/158740607128/migration-from-counterparty-to-ethereum ?Alexa Dot (Attach Your …

Coin Interview with Aragon

Coin Interview with Aragon Aragon Website: https://aragon.one/ Aragon Medium: https://blog.aragon.one/ Aragon Twitter: https://twitter.com/AragonProject Aragon FAQ: https://aragon.one/faq/ Aragon Slack: https://slackin-aragon.herokuapp.com/ Aragon Alpha: https://github.com/AragonOne/aragon/releases/download/0.2.1/Aragon-macos-x64.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coin Interview Website: http://www.coininterview.com/ Coin Interview …

Zcash + Ethereum = ❤

Presentation Slides Download: https://ethereumfoundation.org/devcon/?session=zcash-private-transactions-on-a-public-blockchain Devcon2: Zcash + Ethereum = ❤ Speaker: Zooko Wilcox This presentation focuses on how Zcash uses zero-knowledge proofs to add private transactions to a public …