Tag: smashing bloke crypto

SmashingBloke Talks Augur Cryptocurrency

SmashingBloke reviews Augur which is a Decentralised Oracle and Prediction Market Platform. This is not Financial Advice Augur Website: https://www.augur.net/ Augur Whitepaper: https://github.com/AugurProject/whitepaper/blob/52b5c9c54d763479ea651fece67b9cb11c214f06/english/whitepaper.pdf If you want to understand the …

SmashingBloke Talks IOTA Cryptocurrency

SmashingBloke reviews IOTA, a Transaction Settlement Layer for the Internet of Things (IoT) This is not Financial Advice IOTA Website: https://www.iota.org/ IOTA Whitepaper: https://assets.ctfassets.net/r1dr6vzfxhev/2t4uxvsIqk0EUau6g2sw0g/45eae33637ca92f85dd9f4a3a218e1ec/iota1_4_3.pdf IOTA Roadmap: https://www.iota.org/research/roadmap IOTA Ecosystem: …