Tag: stratis
Artist: Stratis Album: Exotic 1982 info: http://www.discogs.com/Stratis-Exotic/release/2218720
No copyright infringement is intended Music: Stratis, Mùsica Da Ballo Cassette, 1984, http://stratis.beepworld.de/index.htm Picture: Wojciech Bruszewski, Untitled, http://les-memes-histoires.tumblr.com/post/44179289564/inneroptics-wojciech-bruszewski
No copyright infringement is intended Music: Stratis, New Face Cassette, 1983, http://stratis.beepworld.de/index.htm Picture: Amber Ortolano, https://www.flickr.com/photos/31542097@N05/8104375464/
Présentation de l'elliptique Stratis par Care Fitness
Não fique de fora !!! Segundo Sorteio do Canal e desta vez sorteando Arma 3 !!Participe agora do sorteio que será realizado 31/07 aqui na página ! Para Participar …
Buy on itunes : http://goo.gl/da5Dqk 2013 Panik Records Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/panikrecords Twitter: http://twitter.com/panikrecords Website: http://www.panikrecords.gr/ Contact: info@panikrecords.gr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyronasStratis Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyronasStratis Στίχοι / μουσική : Mύρωνας Στρατής Σκηνοθεσία : Sherif …
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribePanikRecordsTube Buy/Stream here: iTunes: https://apple.co/30qQg5Z Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Z9lxh3 Deezer: http://bit.ly/2zbgrSe Google Play: http://bit.ly/30shTLQ Μύρωνας Στρατής Playlist: http://bit.ly/2Z8kFJG Στίχοι / μουσική : Mύρωνας Στρατής Σκηνοθεσία : Sherif Francis Στίχοι/Lyrics: Σου'χα …
▼SUPER MEGA ARCHI IMPORTANT:LIS LA DESCRIPTION!▼ Bonjour à tous! Présentation des points d'intérêt de Stratis! Au programme? Épaves, Grottes, Cavités, tout y passe! (Enfin presque tout ! ) IMPORTANT: …
I compare the real island Agios Efstratios with it's Arma 3 game counterpart Stratis, complete with images from the real world matched with videos from in game, I hope …
Subscribe to Ohmwrecker: http://youtube.com/MaskedGamer Watch Ohmwrecker's perspective: http://youtu.be/3zUTelMbNyc Arma veteran Ohmwrecker joined me for a rousing session of Arma III that included basically everything you could possibly want to …