Tag: stringing

Review: STX Ultra Power

ECD Greg gives you an in depth look into the new STX Ultra Power Universal Lacrosse: http://www.universallacrosse.com/stx-ultra-power-lacrosse-head.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwxZnYBRAVEiwANMTRX2xzRI1s1ZbH9OuCoNbH7-rz7SVxwV5FikzQ7lXUTkUqiF0RkFX3khoCAu8QAvD_BwE Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to ECD Lacrosse for more gear reviews, tutorials, …

STX Cell IV Gloves Review

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STX Super Soft Memory Mesh Review

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM- @SpartanStrings @JesseJamesWest @SteliosKroudis @JesseJamesFitness www.instagram.com/spartanstrings TWITTER- @SpartanStrings @jesse43west @stelioskroudis4 www.twitter.com/spartanstrings FACEBOOK- @SpartanStrings @jessejameswest @stelioskroudis www.facebook.com/spartanstrings

STX Surgeon 700

Here's an in-depth look on the technology provided in the Surgeon 700 from STX. Link for more information: https://www.stx.com/surgeon-700 Link for stringing tutorial: https://youtu.be/QFWwnjZ0aQM Visit http://www.stx.com/ for more information. …