Tag: sunerok
Justin Sunerok is the founder and lead developer for Verge Currency. We spoke with him about XVG, the privacy coins, the XVG community and some other picks in the …
Stay tuned as Larry and Joe take things to the next level. We got new equipment which should make live-streaming so much better for everyone! DISCLAIMER- I HAVE NO …
Verge Currency News, Market Updates, and much more coming for XVG! Follow me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/XVGWhaleReal New verge dev updates at: https://medium.com/vergecurrency/development-update-on-verge-4-ceb4103031a3 Buy Dioxyme E Energy with Verge …
Hey salut à tous les amis, c'est decrypt. Aujourd'hui on va parler des multiples hack que VERGE XVG à subit en avril et mai. Notamment la pseudo attaque 51% …
Go check out the Larry and Joe show and give them a sub and some support!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplt4i59LoSTKR8Sply-HQA Introducing the World’s most secure coin TokenPay Welcome to the official channel …
Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=13595163 Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a1f52b96c82f10301369a5f Verge (XVG) is using their loyal base of XVG holders to influence Spotify to partner with the coin in yet another unorthodox move by the …
Check out all our videos in podcast form now- https://anchor.fm/thelarryandjoeshow Also on itunes podcast now and google play soon!! Live with Coingorilla talking G-Coin and his exchange!https://youtu.be/uHbr4tcmryA Check out …
? Thank you very much for coming by for your daily fix of cryptocurrency content today: Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS & much more! ?Please don't forget to smash those LIKE …
Verge Official Site https://vergecurrency.com/ Verge (XVG) is Asking for Donations to Unfold a Mystery Partnership https://globalcoinreport.com/verge-xvg-is-asking-for-donations-to-unfold-a-mystery-partnership/ Massive Red Flag - VergeDev: "The money moved is to pay for Ledger …
TYPERIUM ? https://www.typerium.io tipped to be the ???HOTTEST??? 2018 ICO! Official Typerium Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HYELThE5O5vrFzsuXmztyg Join for the upcoming hugely talked about ??? BOUNTY REWARDS PROGRAM ??? business inquiries: blockchainedonline@gmail.com …