Tag: temperature
Today we’re going to be building a wireless outdoor weather station that takes temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, light and wind speed readings, and uses WiFi to post the data …
In 1975, the US had their shot at going metric... but we blew it. Over 40 years later, we’re still entangled in mass confusion. In this video, we take …
Video ini untuk keperluan demo bahwa alat yang dibuat sudah bekerja dengan normal. Alat dan bahan yang dipakai pada video ini adalah : ATmega328 Resistor 3k3 Resistor 10k Kapasitor …
A program és a libraryk: https://github.com/MagyarArduinoLabor/65.resz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ha tetszik amit látsz, illetve szeretnéd támogatni a csatorna fejlődését, itt megteheted: https://www.patreon.com/magyararduinolabor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magyar.arduino.labor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: magyar.arduino.labor@gmail.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After the recent intro to the RPiZW, this time we'll connect it to Amazon Web Services IoT platform and send some temperature readings up into the cloud. (The first …