Tag: wanchain

Ethereum Update, Vitalik “Exchanges Can Burn in Hell” & Bitmain Monster – BTC & Cryptocurrency News

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news - Ethereum upgrades coming, Vitalik calls out exchanges, loads of exchange news, and project updates. Ethereum Sharding https://www.ccn.com/ethereum-sharding-slated-for-2020-ethereum-foundation-researcher-justin-drake/amp/ Ethereum Smart Contracts https://twitter.com/CSatETH/status/1014844632767791106 Ethereum Plasma https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1014894035994071040 …

EOS RAM Inside Trading | EOS RAM Speculation Zeos Create EOS account

Who is trading EOS RAM? https://eos.feexplorer.io EOS Nation Block Producer caught insider trading on RAM prices https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/8v3o2t/eos_nation_block_producer_caught_insider_trading/ EOS Block producer insider (RAM) trading https://www.reddit.com/r/eos/comments/8uiu94/eos_block_producer_insider_ram_trading/ Who own most of the …