Tag: zencash
Was ist Bitshares? (BTS) ⏳ In 60 Sekunden Mehr dazu: http://vlogchain.de/was-ist-bitshares/ Quellen: http://bitshares.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitShares http://docs.bitshares.org/ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitshares/ Weiterführende Links: https://twitter.com/_bitshares https://reddit.com/r/BitShares Blockchain Explorer: https://cryptofresh.com/ Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, …
Was ist Bitshares? (BTS) ⏳ In 60 Sekunden Mehr dazu: http://vlogchain.de/was-ist-bitshares/ Quellen: http://bitshares.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitShares http://docs.bitshares.org/ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitshares/ Weiterführende Links: https://twitter.com/_bitshares https://reddit.com/r/BitShares Blockchain Explorer: https://cryptofresh.com/ Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, …
Why Crypto Crashed Mid-January: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaHmdzixDoc&t=2s South Korean Bill: https://twitter.com/CryptoGround/status/955095021782384641 Canada trial: https://globalnews.ca/news/3977745/ethereum-blockchain-canada-nrc/ Bitcoin illicit article: https://www.emchat.net/emchat/2018/1/21/less-than-1-of-all-bitcoin-transactions-linked-to-illicit-activity Business Insider UK FUD: http://uk.businessinsider.com/governments-not-give-up-control-of-money-crypto-crash-2018-1 PwC: https://medium.com/@vechainofficial/vechain-passes-the-first-ever-cryptocurrency-disaster-recovery-plan-from-pwc-f69ccf238a7a Breyer: https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/955111526746136576 Bounty0x: https://cryptowizard370887289.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/bounty0x-binance-rumours-new-usecases-for-bnty-token-and-much-more/ Bounty0x partnership: …
Clif predicted the crash to the day! Clif's website:http://www.halfpasthuman.com. Digibyte website: https://www.digibyte.co/. My new Steemit site that I am going to be devoting a lot of time to: https://steemit.com/@theology
Cryptocurrency is a wild world, and being a miner of crypto as well as an investor it takes a forward thinking mindset to ensure I don't make irrational emotional …
Interested in trying out a newer cryptocurrency exchange? Coss.io is one of several crypto exchanges that has been created this year with the exponential growth of the market. Today …
The backbone of Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCash, ZenCash) is cryptocurrency mining. The best way to become miner is to build your own GPU mining rig. Today Vosk of VoskCoin …
VoskCoin December 2017 Mining Farm Update, in todays video Vosk goes over the basics of building his own mining shed mini data center as well as several updates on …
Группа в telegram для обсуждения - https://t.me/CryptoStupidity Сайты для монитора рейтинга мастернод: http://www.mnrank.com/ https://masternodes.pro/ Секьюритинода, которая заслуживает внимания: zensystem.io Удобный обменник между криптой: https://evercoin.com/ Описание мастерноды Стратис и дохода: …
How to buy Bitcoin Gold? 1) Register on Coinbase to buy Bitcoin and get free $10 by using this link https://www.coinbase.com/join/557472fc910d9c4448000157 2) Register on Kucoin https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3fCxC 3) Transfer Bitcoins …