Tezos: 0-4:12
feels good to make some money off crypto: 4:15-4:50 (finally)
dash could exit the top 50: 5:00-5:48
Decred, Zcash= good buys: 5:54-6:13
Atom, cosmos is an interesting bet: 6:30-8:55
Matic network crazy dump, wont be here for the next bull run: 7:50 – 8:55
Tezos the next ethereum: 9:08-10:28
(11:48 -15:48) Mining cryptocurrency in 2019 was a great idea: coins such as CKB, Veriblock and many others made people good profits but proof of work coins tend to get destroy because the fgpa and asic miners sharks are always in the water looking for the next victim!
this is video is purely for entertainment!
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