What a great Bitcoin day in Calgary. So far this has been one of my best Bitcoin travel experiences. It has been great to meet (in person) some of the other crypto content creators I have worked with online over the years. The fiat price of BTC did not come up once in conversation today. Strong hands all around!
Switzerland- https://twitter.com/ChainJunkies/status/1015129538748174336
conservative BTC- https://twitter.com/lopp/status/1015420207735758848
crypto kid- https://www.youtube.com/user/KameaAlohaTV/videos
Anti-inflation- https://twitter.com/kanzure/status/1015569808119787520
Bancor- https://twitter.com/matt_odell/status/1016426719497150464
Bgold update- https://bitcoingold.org/a-successful-network-upgrade/
Banks can be paranoid- https://twitter.com/LeoAW/status/1015171601556385793
Brhodium- https://steemit.com/andyhoffman/@andyhoffman/7-09-andy-hoffman-cryptogoldcentral-com-what-will-brhodium-trade-at-part-iii
Cato- https://www.cato.org/publications/cmfa-briefing-paper/should-cryptocurrencies-be-regulated-securities
July 9 and 10 Adam in Calgary!- https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bitcoin-rodeo-an-introduction-to-cryptocurrency-tickets-42515974424?discount=Meister30
July 11 in Red Deer- https://www.meetup.com/Red-Deer-Beer-Meetup/
July 12 in Edmonton- https://www.meetup.com/yegbitcoin/events/250779875/
August 18- Philadelphia- Use code: bitcoinmeister45 for a $45 ticket price- http://www.cryptocoincon.com/
Monday’s Early show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlXDuVjgEP8
Sunday’s show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lKDxrPjfeU
Saturday’s show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONEU8aqU_cs
Friday’s This week in Bitcoin show-
Thursday’s show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1osjeLf6KGk
Wednesday’s Venezuela Show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAmawVCotcg
WCN Podcast- https://www.acast.com/world-crypto-network
Bitcoin people you need to know- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuWlWnJqHn4
Email the Disrupt Meister intern- clark@disruptmeister.com & tell us why you want to be an intern!
Get anonymous VPN and PROXY at Torguard! https://torguard.net/aff.php?aff=3899
CryptoHWwallet affiliate link- https://www.cryptohwwallet.com?acc=a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c
“MeisterFreeHW1Over200” This is the coupon that is for people who spends over $200 (exclude shipping) to get a free H.W1. Ledger hardware wallet. Limit 10 pcs only coupon use at first, first come first serve basis only. 1 per customer for up to 10 uses.
UPVOTE THIS- https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@bitcoinmeister/videos-from-the-bitcoin-rodeo-in-calgary-july-9-2018
Buy your Bitcoin Trezor storage device here: https://shop.trezor.io/?a=c81d29b7bbf1
Buy Bitcoin at Coinbase here: https://www.coinbase.com/join/528aa4ec443594782100003a
CryptoHWwallet affiliate link- https://www.cryptohwwallet.com?acc=a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c
Adam’s Twitter- https://twitter.com/TechBalt
Adam’s Minds- https://www.minds.com/BitcoinMeister
Support the cause if you like what I have to say:
BTC: 3HZngc6ASzt3deDm582u8xJRFAwmz7YTwG
ETC: 0xb28CD007E0495b34BA6030859030322b7bE8422B
Monero: 49broKTMLfFBZtzFFWptyqbuTF4rm7Pp6HZj4ReRuKQf3Z6uFjCbWgs6n4ymX5aYTsczoELGd3vYSD4XUQrjvy3S5qTsN3s
LTC: LQm55H4oUCoVPiBd25A4v2jHXLtC9oo9Jg
ETH: 0x0feb7bCd89C4Ea0c14FC7D94b9afBDE993034AD5
DASH: Xjcpo8Lh6NKQoV3F12pGpXUiK4XRoQyudN
BGold: AN6p1tD2KwRKvhiinprN9wCqGe4KUqPsY5
My latest Steemit post: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@bitcoinmeister/live-at-10-25pm-est-the-1-bitcoin-show-puerto-rico-update-ico-bribes-no-chargebacks-brhodium-news
My Steemit page: https://steemit.com/@bitcoinmeister
Value of every cryptocurrency- https://www.coinmarketwatch.com
Watch more of my Bitcoin videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLgyAakZPtCVQKl6naVHUfOiICFG8BYMp
Adam Meister is available for an hour long Bitcoin/cryptocurrency consultation where he can walk you through the Trezor installation process and help you move your Bitcoins to the Trezor. He will answer all your questions in that hour. Trezor is just one Bitcoin topic that Adam can help you with, you can ask his advice on anything cryptocurrency related. From marketing and promotion to Altcoins to storage and the buy and hold philosophy. Adam’s hourly rate is 0.11 Bitcoin. Feel free to email: Adam AT TrezorHelp DOT com to set up a Skype/phone consultation or to arrange an in person appearance or speaking engagement. Adam is available to speak at conferences around the world.
Follow Adam on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/TechBalt
Buy your Bitcoin Trezor storage device here: https://shop.trezor.io/?a=c81d29b7bbf1
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