We have a nice sit-down talk with Tone Vays at the La Bit COnf in Columbia. We chat about CME futures, BItcoin, Blockchain and Ethereum. Tone is a great mind and a smart man. He has a background in the traditional markets working with Bear Sterns and JP Morgan. Now a huge proponent of Bitcoin we loved out chat with him and hope to have him back on the show again soon
Remember to check him out on http://libertylifetrail.com
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Find your essential cold storage wallet: https://arcanebear.com/the-best-bitco…
Coinbase is a great place for your initial crypto purchase:
The Arcane Bear ICO shortlist:
▪️ Pillar Project: https://youtu.be/XrOIZ_Xb9Nk
? Halo Platform: https://youtu.be/lVYyNKwtRTM
▪️ Etch.Work: https://youtu.be/RDoL8IlRpUo
? SandCoin: https://youtu.be/z9EaovronPc
▪️ Spectre.ai: https://youtu.be/z6V5gnpcduI
? Datum: https://youtu.be/uZ2QZDtT4_o
▪️ DropDeck: https://youtu.be/79Xv-Y2MUQs
These are MY ideas, and I am presenting them here for entertainment/analysis purposes ONLY, you MUST do YOUR OWN due diligence before investing in ANY CC’s,digital assets or ICOs; Understand the Risks.
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