Top 8 Reasons $XRP is Going to Moon and Why the Financial World Needs Ripple!

Top 8 Reasons $XRP is Going to Moon and Why the Financial World Needs Ripple!

#Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Ripple #XRP #xrpcommunity

We take a look at the top 8 reasons that Ripple and XRP are likely to make massive gains this year.

XRP is the second largest cryptocurrency by Marketcap in something of a battle for the spot with Ethereum over the last year. XRP has its share of fans and haters, when it launched it promised to disrupt the international payment settlement industry and bring low fee high speed transfers to financial institutions.

To really see the advantages that Ripple offers then you first need to understand what banks are currently doing when they send your money abroad.

Ripples technology was designed to solve all of those problems and very quickly Ripple began onboarding financial institutions in Japan and South Korea. Ripple was going mainstream and big financial heavyweights were becoming interested in the technology, Co-Founder Chris Larsen briefly became one of the world’s richest men.

It’s taken almost a year but Ripple has addressed those issues and made huge strides forward in the adoption of not only their RippleNet technology but in the adoption of xrp. So let’s take a look at the top 8 reasons that Ripple is going to Moon.

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