VRC PRO Overview: RC Racing PC Simulator Game

VRC PRO Overview: RC Racing PC Simulator Game

RC Video games!? Heck ya! Today we take a look at the VRC Pro RC racing simulator game for the PC!

VRC Pro is designed to allow you to practice your racing skills when your away from the track. All while allowing you test different setups with your cars or trucks to see what changes affect the car without having to spend hours tearing it down and realizing its not going to work. This RC Racing simulator games has some really awesome features outside of the amazing graphic details…. like online multiplayer were you can race with thousands of other players on line and compete in live events. They also sell an option to purchase an adapter to use your very own RC transmitter with the game.

***Affiliate email INFO***
For every friend you successfully invite into VRC Pro you will both be rewarded if he refers to your email address during his registration. As a Free-to-Play member you get 10 vEuros and your friend receives 10 vEuros. As a full member the reward is 1 month subscription. The invitation email will explain all this to your friend. An invitation is successful if your friend spends at least 10 Euros (β‰ˆ$13) in our e-shop.
Then take you email and send it too a bunch of other people so you can reap the benefits as well!

Maybe we can have our own races held online if we get enough players to join up! πŸ™‚

PC Requirments –
– Windows XP SP3 or newer
– .Net framework 3.5 or newer
– Hyperthreaded or multi-core CPU
– 256 MB Pixel Shader 2.0 graphics card
(nVidia GeForce FX 5600 or ATI Radeon X600)
– 1 GB available system RAM
(min. 2GB recommended)
– 2 GB free hard disk space
– Soundblaster compatible soundcard
– DSL internet connection (512kbit/s)
– VRC USB adapter or controller (optional)*

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell!


You can download the game here for free – http://www.vrcworld.com/default.aspx

Dont forget too use my email when you register – ( rcoverload@gmail.com )


VenomRC.com (Team Driver)


(10 % Coupon Code – RCOVERLOAD10)

(10 % Coupon Code – RCOVERLOAD10)


RC Overload Shop – (Everything I currently use or have used before)

Camera & Computer Gear – (Everything I currently use to film and edit with)
Camera Gear – https://amzn.to/2JdxfPB
Computer Equip – https://amzn.to/2E3LIcB

T-Shirts & Accessories


WEBSITE – https://www.rcoverload.com
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/RCOverloadMatt
INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/_rcoverload_/
TWITTER – http://twitter.com/@rcoverload
162 MEDIA – https://www.162mediaproductions.com/

~DISCLAIMER – RC Overload & 162 Media Productions~
*** The product(s) shown in this video may have been sent to me for review or for promotional means. Many of the links in the description box are affiliate links and I may benefit from a small affiliate commission if you purchase something using the links above. RC Overload is not responsible for your β€œown” actions with your radio controlled vehicles that is or was performed by yourself or anyone else.

Β© RC Overload & 162 Media Productions, All Rights Reserved.

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