Archived stream from November 17, 2018
I get on and hangout on VRChat for a bit. We return to the school world, but then we discover the train.
Hey guys, don’t forget. Don’t stress out if you miss out a stream! The times I stream aren’t exactly easy to catch for everyone.
And don’t feel the need to watch an entire stream archive to support me! These archives are there for the convenience of others who want to re-watch a specific moment.
This was streamed over on my Twitch channel, which is at https://twitch.tv/kirbynite Uploading an archive over here in case people prefer watching archives on Youtube.
Btw, if you’d like to throw some change into my little tip jar (since I’ve had some people ask me that elsewhere), I’ve got a streamlabs account:
And if you’re interested in hanging out with others in the community, I do have a public discord!
— Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/kirbynite
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