WARNING: Bitcoin BTC Unsafe for Business, Attack Vector Dangerously Easy to Exploit

WARNING: Bitcoin BTC Unsafe for Business, Attack Vector Dangerously Easy to Exploit

In a major blow to BTC security, we demonstrate how standard off-the-shelf wallets can purchase goods and trivially reverse the transaction upon leaving the store. The ability to double spend Bitcoin is made possible by the anti-feature replace-by-fee.

This method was first detailed by Blockonomics: https://blog.blockonomics.co/how-to-double-spend-bitcoin-using-electrum-no-technical-sorcery-required-78799b07cad7

Read more: https://bitcoinbch.com/blog/merchants-urged-to-switch-to-bitcoin-cash.html


Hayden Otto: https://twitter.com/haydenotto_
Bitcoin BCH: https://twitter.com/BitcoinBCHcom

#BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency

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