Richard Heart takes questions from the audience. The best question of which should be, how can I get rich in the bear market?
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Richard Heart: Billionaire, blockchain thought leader, cryptocurrency investor, author, serial entrepreneur, Bitcoin OG
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Twitter http://twitter.com/RichardHeartWIN
Telegram chats 5744 members:
Price calls http://t.me/RichardsCalls
Charity http://SENS.org
Youtube https://youtube.com/richardheart?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardheartofficial/
00:03 Introduction
Main Commentary
02:47 The Maximalish Perspective
06:23 Richard’s Career / History
07:13 Richard’s Track Record (and Clout Chasing)
12:06 Cowards on r/CryptoCurrency / Twitter (John Carvalho)
14:37 BTC Problems / BHX Solutions
17:24 Bag Holding Maximalists vs Developers
18:58 Creating a New Token vs. Developing
19:27 The ONLY Opinions Richard has Changed
1) Altcoins’ vs Bitcoin’s Price (19:56)
2) Ethereum Problems (21:19)
23:24 People Who Harm Bitcoin
24:11 Maximalists and Shorting Altcoins
25:56 “Stealing” the Bitcoin Brand
30:41 Dealing with Scammers and Haters
32:47 Bitcoin Maximalism Critique
Comment Section (35:57)
0:36:26 Sh*t Talkers
0:38:12 Best Coin for 5-10 Years
0:41:14 How to Get BHX
0:42:20 Ethereum Future
0:43:18 BHX Bugs
0:44:35 Haters
0:46:09 BHX Market / Features / Haters
0:54:02 Free Money / Potential Outcomes
0:58:18 Minimum BHX Claim
0:59:46 How many BHX per Bitcoin
1:03:26 BHX on ETC or RSK? (Dumb Question)
1:04:05 Ghandi Quote
1:05:05 Claiming on Trezor
1:05:10 ETH Price vs BHX
1:05:26 BHX Staking
1:07:00 On Twitter
1:10:25 Scivive
1:12:21 Claiming with Trezor and Electrum
1:12:54 Cockiness vs Confidence
1:14:54 Scammers and Smart People
1:15:39 Caffeine / Lifting Injuries
1:17:20 Richard’s Age
1:17:36 Ponzi Schemes vs BHX Pumpamentals
1:25:01 Buying BHX in Chat
1:25:27 Timestamps
1:25:55 Referral Links
1:26:14 Exchanges / Securities
1:27:16 Security Tokens
1:28:13 Snapshot (Dumb Question)
1:28:33 Vitalik Buterin
1:29:21 BHX Use Cases / Speculation / Uniqueness
1:32:34 Stake Tradable Wrapped BHX
1:33:56 Unintelligible Question
1:35:11 Open Sourcing Back-End Code
1:35:40 Handling Private Keys
1:35:54 Wrapped Bitcoin / CounterParty Risk / Trustless Interest
1:36:15 The 3 BHX Revenue Streams / Game Theory
1:41:44 Founders’ Rewards
1:47:05 Open-Source Software
1:49:11 Timelocking Coins
1:50:03 Speculation
1:50:42 Protecting Fiat Value when Claiming
1:51:14 Locking Up Coins?
1:52:34 Richard Heart vs Vitalik Buterin
1:55:29 Staking Strategy
1:56:06 BHX Top 3?
1:57:11 Conclusion
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