Why does BBT mine RavenCoin RVN? BBT Crypto #3

Why does BBT mine RavenCoin RVN? BBT Crypto #3

This was asked a few times over the last two weeks and I wanted to try and articulate why I am personally mining RVN. This is an adjustment to the 60 second format and this is the first render. Given our goal to do one a day, time was getting short. I think I can slow the video down a bit more in the next one… but hopefully the point is made this round.

Source Content/Graphics:
RavenCoin: http://ravencoin.org/
– white paper – details around coin

RavenCoin launch announcement:

RavenCoin GitHub

RavenCoin Discord

RavenCoin Explorer

AMD Miner
x16r compiled version: https://ufile.io/hu8m1
Source: https://github.com/aceneun/sgminer-gm-x16r/

If you get a VC Runtime 140 error
– You need both MCVC Runtime 2015 both x86 and x64

Other sources used in video:
– Click Credits to Universal –
Back To the future – 1986 – Delorean Scene

– RVN Status –

– CoinMarketCap-

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