Why You Shouldn’t Use Cloud Mining + Bitcoin Merch Giveaway!

Why You Shouldn’t Use Cloud Mining + Bitcoin Merch Giveaway!

check out sneef’s emporium on etsy, the creator of the bitcoin necklace! https://www.etsy.com/listing/610414347/cryptocurrency-pendant-necklace-bitcoin?ref=shop_home_feat_4

explaining why hashflare is a total ripoff, and giving away a free bitcoin necklace. simply comment down below that you want it with your email address, or comment that you want it, and provide your email address in your about me section of your youtube page. no need to subscribe, like, share or whatever other shady desperate youtubers do to con people into liking them. just comment, and win…thats it. cheers!

Sign up with coinbase. buy or sell 100 dollars in crypto currency and get 10 dollars of bitcoin for free with this link to coinbase.
Want to donate to the channel? Donate Litecoin and send me an email saying how much you sent and I’ll try to thank you at the end of the next video!
Litecoin Address: LUe6Ub9UUGjFxkFbNkBA6nD4ebwRSeSsgD

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