In the final episode in this introduction series, Dmitry and Suz discuss how you can add a professional touch to your Windows IoT Core smart device prototype. They’ll cover 3D printed housing and how to create a case for your device, an overview of adding Azure IoT Edge to unlock more robust cloud functionality, and a deeper dive into the exciting features of Azure IoT Central.
• Docs – IoT Edge for Windows IoT: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/how-to-install-iot-core
• Docs – IoT Central for Windows IoThttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/howto-connect-windowsiotcore
• Pay to print 3D service: https://shapeways.com
• 3D Models, example #1: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3061437
• 3D Models, example #2: https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=raspberry+pi&dwh=215b91a0bdd5ff4
Related Post:
- Windows IoT #4: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central Integration for Windows IoT (Getting Started Series)
- Windows IoT #5: Using Device Methods with IoT Hub (Getting Started Series)
- Windows IoT #1: Basics Windows IoT introduction before you start coding (Getting Started Series)
- Getting Started – Windows 10 IoT Core + Raspberry Pi 3
- Windows IoT #3: Building C# Drivers, sensors & Nuget Packages using VS (Getting Started Series)
- Getting started with Windows IoT Episode #4: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central Integration
- Installing Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 3 | Raspberry Pi Windows OS | IoT Training | Edureka
- Getting Started with the Bolt IoT Device
- Getting Started with Google Cloud IoT Core
- Google IoT Core Secure Authentication – Getting started