Tonight we explore the “Global Currency Reset & XRP” The global agenda to get one world currency!
People I mentioned tonight: James Rickards, Nomi Prins, Christine Lagarde (Head of IMF)
Topics: eSDR, SDR, gold backed currency. One world government/one world taxation/one world currency, level playing field.
To order the black XRP jersey in this video,email me at: dnicryptoclothing@gmail.com
Live stream Monday-Friday @ 9:00pm EST.
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- "XRP Nightcap with DNI" Ep. # 95 "XRP…the Next Global Reserve Currency?"
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- “XRP Nightcap with DNI” Ep. #29 "Global Grab Bag & XRP!"
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- “XRP Nightcap with DNI” Ep. #24 "Global Debt…How Bad is it?"
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- “XRP Nightcap with DNI” Ep. #33 Week 6 “Global Recap”
- “XRP Nightcap with DNI” Ep. #43 Week 7 "Global Grab Bag"