Going to do an update video using the skein algo. Here is my batch file for that: ccminer -a skein -o stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:20527 -u mycryptoverse.mycryptoverse -p xx -i 21
GTX 1080 DigiByte Mining! Is it profitable? I briefly go over what you should expect. The hashing rate of a 1080 8GB and the return possible for this coin. I give my thoughts on the coin and the price prediction of 2018! I also show my MSI Afterburner settings for mining this coin.
There are comparisons to coins like BTC, LTC, and VTC. This coin, DGB, has a lot of potential.
Also, remember to get into the Ethereum Giveaway! https://t.co/FhJPZLfmNk
Mining Pools:
Batch Files:
suprnova: ccminer -a myr-gr -o stratum+tcp://dgbg.suprnova.cc:7978 -u mycryptoverse.1 -p xx -i 21
digbyte: ccminer -a myr-gr -o stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:20499 -u mycryptoverse.mycryptoverse -p xx -i 21
MSI Afterburner (overclocking software): https://www.msi.com/page/afterburner
DGB Wallet: https://www.digibyte.co/digibyte-downloads
CCminer: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer/releases
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Website: https://mycrptoverse.com/
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