These are the moments we were looking for, NEO is about to break out past its last ATH we had been drowning under the forward momentum of Bitcoin. Now that the impulse in BTC has slowed we see our other diversified assets really start to move. Omisego, Litecoin and Ethereum have all done very well this week.
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Ledger: https://arcanebear.com/product/ledger-nano/
Trezor: https://arcanebear.com/product/trezor-wallet/
Keepkey: https://arcanebear.com/product/keep-key/
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▪️ Ethereum: 0x62b4fbF55f35465FAA104c423a564152D77CEF56
▪️ Litecoin: LRraG1qAv2qRkSbxSjiibPjBnQxHxRQyok
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Find your essential cold storage wallet: https://arcanebear.com/the-best-bitcoin-wallets-ledger-nano-trezor-and-keepkey-review/
Coinbase is a great place for your initial crypto purchase:
The Arcane Bear ICO shortlist:
▪️ Pillar Project: https://youtu.be/XrOIZ_Xb9Nk
? Halo Platform: https://youtu.be/lVYyNKwtRTM
▪️ Etch.Work: https://youtu.be/RDoL8IlRpUo
? SandCoin: https://youtu.be/z9EaovronPc
▪️ Spectre.ai: https://youtu.be/z6V5gnpcduI
? Datum: https://youtu.be/uZ2QZDtT4_o
▪️ DropDeck: https://youtu.be/79Xv-Y2MUQs
These are MY ideas, and I am presenting them here for entertainment/analysis purposes ONLY, you MUST do YOUR OWN due diligence before investing in ANY CC’s,digital assets or ICOs; Understand the Risks.
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