Budget Magic: $64 (34 tix) Sunbird’s Bounty (Standard)

Budget Magic: $64 (34 tix) Sunbird’s Bounty (Standard)

This week we are heading to Rivals of Ixalan Standard to play a card that I’ve been hyped about since spoiler season, but until now hadn’t found its way into any of our decks: Brass’s Bounty! While it’s probably possible to build a fair Brass’s Bounty deck, using the seven mana sorcery as a ramp spell, it’s even more exciting when played unfairly as part of a game winning combo. How do you combo off with Brass’s Bounty in Standard? With the help of Sunbird’s Invocation of course! The basic plan of the deck is simply: ramp into Sunbird’s Invocation, cast a Brass’s Bounty, use our Sunbird’s Invocation trigger to find a copy of Marionette Master, which means as soon as Brass’s Bounty resolves we can win the game by sacrificing all of our Treasure tokens to drain away our opponent life. Can the combo of Sunbird’s Invocation and Brass’s Bounty work in Standard?

◼ This episode of Budget Magic is brought to you by CardKingdom. Support the show by using http://www.cardkingdom.com/budgetmagic for your next Magic purchase!

► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-64-34-tix-sunbird-s-bounty-standard
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/938790#paper

◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/r9vKu
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/OmUkS

Match 1: 7:56
Match 2: 18:34
Match 3: 30:43
Match 4: 46:45
Match 5: 1:00:17
Wrap Up: 1:16:36

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