◼ This episode of Budget Magic is brought to you by CardKingdom. Support the show by using http://www.cardkingdom.com/budgetmagic for your next Magic purchase!
It’s been a few weeks since we’ve played a Standard deck, but that all changes this week as we head back to Rivals of Ixalan Standard for a sweet ultra-budget deck: Wurm Revolt! Wurm Revolt is basically a really weird ramp deck that’s looking to play a bunch of huge Wurms for free with the help of Aid from the Cowl and endless revolt triggers! The rest of the deck looks to take advantage of some cards that are potentially powerful but don’t really see much Standard play because they are difficult to build around, like Wayward Swordtooth and Renegade Rallier. Is Sifter Wurm a Standard staple just waiting to be discovered? Let’s get to the videos and find out; then, we’ll talk more about the deck!
► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-60-20-tix-wurm-revolt-standard
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/1007417#paper
◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/jYZyT
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/tjbkS
Match 1: 8:23
Match 2: 34:34
Match 3: 49:15
Match 4: 1:00:46
Match 5: 1:17:10
Wrap Up: 1:29:00
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