IOHK | A vision for blockchain in Africa

IOHK | A vision for blockchain in Africa

IOHK’s first visit to Africa, in May 2018, began in Ethiopia. Blockchain technology is infrastructure that universally brings benefit. One of the use cases being discussed in Addis Ababa was applying the technology to the supply chain, and IOHK has signed an MOU with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Science and Technology to explore how this could be done in the coffee industry. As Ethiopia is primarily an agricultural economy, agritech is of great interest to its entrepreneurs.

Teaching people about how the technology works is important. IOHK does not provide ready-made answers to local issues, but instead works in partnership to transfer knowledge and skills to those truly equipped to make change.

IOHK will also provide a course to local developers teaching the programming language Haskell, in which Cardano is built. That will give developers the ability to build applications that they see a need for.

The second leg of the Africa trip took place in Rwanda. Charles gave a speech at the Transform Africa Summit 2018, and at the Impact Hub Kigali, where people collectively had a spirit of enthusiasm about using technology to improve society.

In this video, Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK, talks about the company’s vision for Africa and explains the the steps it hopes to take in the following months.

More information is coming soon on IOHK and Africa strategy, and will be outlined by the Director of African Operations, John O’Connor.

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