Watch the VRC Referee Training series to learn more about Turning Point, or to prepare to referee official matches. Chapter 9 discusses rules regarding robot expansion in the vertical and horizontal dimensions.
Related Post:
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 1: Referee Position Overview
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 6: Scoring Rules
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 10: The V5 Control System
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 11: VEX U
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 7: The Possession Rule and Hoarding
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 8: Trapping and Pinning
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 5: Disqualifications, Disablements and “Match Affecting”
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 4: Tipping, Entanglement, Damage & G12
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 3: Safety and Human Interaction
- VRC Turning Point Referee Training Chapter 2: Before the Match