EOS Hot Sauce #21 – EOSIO 1.8 Upgrade, EOS Explorer, History Solutions and more!

EOS Hot Sauce #21 – EOSIO 1.8 Upgrade, EOS Explorer, History Solutions and more!

Thank you for watching this week’s episode of the EOS Hot Sauce!
Transcript: https://eosnation.io/eos-hot-sauce-21/

Here are today’s relevant links:

EOSIO 1.8 Upgrade
EOS Nation Tweet Update: https://twitter.com/EOS_Nation/status/1170532466198757377
EOS Nation Update Tracker: https://eosnation.io/update
The EOSWriter Upgrade Process Summary: https://www.eoswriter.io/161541_eosio-v1-8-status-is-green.eos
Dapplica Article: https://medium.com/dapplica/why-our-bet-is-on-eos-a8757f8e8b36
Quillhash ETH vs.EOS: https://blog.quillhash.com/ethereum-vs-eos-which-blockchain-platform-to-choose/
EOS USA compares EOSIO with Linux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afkNDmHTKno

EOS Authority’s EOS Explorer
EOS Explorer: https://eosauthority.com/

History Solutions
Block.one’s history article: https://eos.io/news/eosio-history-tools/
Hyperion update: https://medium.com/@eosriobrazil/hyperion-history-updates-c525d7760f93

Block.one & Blocksburg Summit
Block.one vacancies: https://twitter.com/DeepGoldenMan/status/1165952501616730112
Blocksburg Summit: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/blocksburg/
Blockchain Initiative: https://cs.vt.edu/blockchain.html
Brian and Santosh of Block.one: https://twitter.com/block_one_/status/1166897038383927297

Website: https://www.moonlighting.com/
Interview on Everything EOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6RB8CJiJYA&feature=youtu.be
CEO Jeff Tennery interview podcast: https://soundcloud.com/joelcheesman/moonlighting-ceo-dumps-cold-water-on-gig-economy
Twitter announcement: https://twitter.com/Moonlighting/status/1169325506694717441

Bountyblok.io Launches New Website With Case Studies: https://medium.com/@bountyblok/bountyblok-io-launches-new-website-with-case-studies-bfc848c2366e
BountyBlok account activity: https://eosauthority.com/account/bountyblokio?network=eos
Pilot projects on Insights network: https://medium.com/insightsnetwork/six-new-companies-piloting-the-insights-network-requester-dashboard-645c643c37de
How blockchain disrupts market research: https://medium.com/insightsnetwork/how-blockchain-technology-completely-disrupts-traditional-market-research-300f9ad01e31

Insights Network
Insights Network website: https://insights.network/

Sense Chat
Tim Draper endorses Sense.chat on Business Wire: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190818005017/en/
Sense.Chat Roadmap: https://medium.com/sensechat/product-roadmap-v1-6-v2-0-dd1c23416f78
Sense.Chat Tech ( Purple Paper Part 1): https://medium.com/sensechat/sense-chat-tech-c91295caf632
Sense token economics (Purple Paper Part 2): https://medium.com/sensechat/sense-tokenomics-30e715e4ed74
Sense/shEOS WAX meetup: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sheos-sense-present-a-wax-meetup-tickets-71101070215

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