EOS Hot Sauce #31 – Block.one & EOS Governance, Crypto DeFiance, OKEx, BOS, WAX, REX and more!

EOS Hot Sauce #31 – Block.one & EOS Governance, Crypto DeFiance, OKEx, BOS, WAX, REX and more!

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Sources and links:
B1 ready to participate in EOS Governance https://block.one/news/blockone-to-begin-voting-for-eos-public-blockchain-upgrades/
Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer’s interview: https://youtu.be/tMeu3qredbI
Block.one CEO Dan Larimer keynote: https://youtu.be/l0-CstIzG5U
Full Transcripts by Sebastiaan van der Lans: https://sebastiaans.blog/
EOS Pavilion Montage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSN940sYlBg
Asking the question WHY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgMVqUMOCEQ
EOS Pavilion Sense Chat Recap: https://medium.com/sensechat/what-you-missed-at-the-first-ever-wcc-eos-pavilion-286f8df2ab72
Crypto Defiance Brainstorm Vote: https://brainstorm.cryptodefiance.com/en
OKEx Alina Tweet: https://twitter.com/AlinaYao4ever/status/1195340383108005888
EOSWriter and OKEx Interview: https://www.eoswriter.io/161780_okex-interview-by-heidi-from-eoswriter-moran-translated-subtitles.eos
Bos Proposal : https://www.boswps.io/#/poll_detail?proposal=bosburningoo
Bos Proposal : https://medium.com/boscore/proposal-to-burn-inactive-genesis-account-airdrop-bos-tokens-b2523cf68902
Bos “Activate your accounts”https://medium.com/@tojukaka/activate-your-bos-accounts-now-bos-community-is-planning-to-burn-your-tokens-a98c2aec8fba
WAX ON – Building a Winning Crypto Portfolio: https://youtu.be/mw_E-1KmW5k
WAX Staking Rewards: https://wax.io/blog/earn-more-wax-introducing-wax-block-rewards-staking-and-voting-guilds-and-more
WAX on REX : https://wax.io/blog/why-wax-didnt-implement-rex
Docker Quickstarts: https://wax.io/blog/new-docker-quickstarts-on-the-wax-developer-hive-help-developers-build-projects-faster-on-wax
EOSIO Swiss Workshop: https://www.meetup.com/EOS-Blockchain-Switzerland/events/265411084/
NovaCrypto Promotional Video: https://youtu.be/XNqytCyBdjc
NovaCrypto Twitter: https://twitter.com/NovaCryptoLTD/status/1191115906790961152?s=19
EOS Argentina’s Ideas on REX: https://medium.com/eos-argentina/notes-on-rex-7f764f42f78
Obsidian Labs Medium: https://medium.com/@ObsidianLabs
EOS Studio: https://www.eosstudio.io/
EOS Studio App: https://app.eosstudio.io/

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