美股5月动荡?TSLA还有潜力?SIA满血复活? US Market dangerous in May?TSLA got chance to rise up? SIA Safe now?

美股5月动荡?TSLA还有潜力?SIA满血复活? US Market dangerous in May?TSLA got chance to rise up? SIA Safe now?

美股5月动荡?TSLA还有潜力?SIA满血复活? US Market dangerous in May?TSLA got chance to rise up? SIA Safe now?
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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Intro
0:48 – US Market Analysis
2:18 – Active US stocks analysis today
11:15 – Actvive HK and SG stocks analysis
24:00 – Stock Diagnose

★☆★Learn important trading principles and how to analyse key stock markets and the performance of trending stocks. Get to know the current strong and weak sectors to identify trading opportunities.
You will also learn how to determine the current trend, identify the entry and exit points and how to set the stop loss for trading the market indices and stocks.

★☆★You can improve your Trading Strategies and Technical Analysis skills by watching my past training videos★☆★:
Red & White Circle (RWC) Trading strategy: https://youtu.be/J03AfdycjpY
Multi-colour Dragon (MCD) of Homily Software: https://youtu.be/nt3PBmh6TAQ
The Best Trading System for Retail Investors: https://youtu.be/-FrWbUm8wGI
Focus on Q4, market opportunities or crisis?: https://youtu.be/yOYxENEiyyg
Classic Profit Model in the Stock Market: https://youtu.be/9Bq1wDX_yIk

★☆★ How to get alerts to my quick alerts on market and stock analysis ★☆★
WhatsApp: +6597882639
WeChat: johnlu1983
Telegram: Homily Chart John Lu
Facebook: John Lu

★☆★ Disclaimer ★☆★
The purpose of this video is to educate customers and investors on the correct investment philosophy and the use of different approach and techniques for analyzing the markets and stocks in different market conditions. We aim to gradually provide knowledge transfer on how to identify opportunities and formulate strategies to maximize returns and minimize risks in trading using our software.

All cases used in the video are for demonstrating the concepts and methods of analysis and shall not be considered as trading recommendations. The stock analysis methods provided by Homily are for reference only. Investors should be aware of the risks involved in stock trading and conduct their own due diligence before entering any trade. Investors should also be responsible for their trading using the Homily Software.
#Homilychart #Tesla #Nio #Nasdaq #Apple #SIA #DBS #IFAST #AEM #Xiaomi #USstocks #HKstocks #强势热点 #抄底 #医疗股 #科技股 #能源股 #SGX #牛股#SGstocks #NIU #AMD #Nvidia #Homilyjohnlu #美股崩盘,#做空美股,#美国股市#大盘,#美股,#美国股市,#美股大盘,#美股空头,#大盘,#割韭菜,#财经,#金融,#金融危机,#美国经济,#期权,#股票,#纳斯达克指数,#标普500指数,#s&p指数,#道琼斯指数,#做空,#空头,#指数基金,#美联储,#欧洲央行,#美股崩盤,#美國股市大盤,#美國股市,#美股大盤,#美股空頭,#大盤,#財經,#金融危機,#美國經濟,#期權,#納斯達克指數,#標普500指數,#s&p指數,#道瓊斯指數,#空頭,#指數基金,#美聯儲,#歐洲央行,#美股大吐槽

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