5G Wireless Cell Antennas Galore
Millimeter waves (MMWs) do not travel well through buildings and they tend to be absorbed by rain and plants. This interferes with the signal. Added to this, high frequency waves like MMWs also have much shorter wavelengths that can’t travel far.
To counter this problem 5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beamforming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities.
MIMO Miniature Cell Towers
Current 4G cell towers have about a dozen or so antenna ports to support all communication, the new, smaller 5G cell towers (or bases) will be MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and carry about a hundred ports.
These towers will probably be about 4 feet tall as opposed to the usual 90 feet towers currently erected around us. Cells will be available within a 100 meter range and these smart antennas will be able to differentiate between various mixed-up signals – like radio waves and WiFi signals – in the air and beam them back in an orderly fashion so to speak.
5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned
#1 – A Denser Soup of Electrosmog
#2 – Effects on the Skin
#3 – Effects on the Eyes
#4 – Effects On The Heart
#5 – Immune System Effects
#6 – Effects on Cell Growth Rates
#7 – Effects on Bacteria Resistance
#8 – Effects on Plant Health
#9 – Effects on the Atmosphere and Depletion of Fossil Fuels
#10 – Disruption of the Natural Ecosystem
#11 – Most 5G Studies Mis-Leading
How To Protect Yourself From 5G
My 3 step approach for dealing with EMFs can be summarized as:
Understand your exposures. Understand the different types of EMFs and how they behave – hence the need to read (and share) articles like this one.
Measure – use an EMF meter to obtain readings and identify hotspots.
Mitigate your exposure. Which means either eliminate the source, move further away from the source of radiation or shield your body. https://www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/
Content in video thanks to:
Truthstream Media: https://www.youtube.com/user/TRUTHstreammedia
Jeranism: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_FY5mR4g22L_E9t1D_ExQ
Press For Truth: https://www.youtube.com/user/weavingspider
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