We are back after a long gap and discuss our perspective on market moves, EOS ecosystem and all other things on top of our head. And we take you for a tour of amazing EOS ecosystem of dApps and tools that is really moving ahead way faster than anything else in the industry.
Links from the video:
EOS 1.8 status updates: https://eosauthority.com/when1.8/
Fidelity digital assets: https://www.fidelitydigitalassets.com/overview
Bakkt update: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/year-hype-bakkt-soft-launches-closed-beta
Bank confiscation law and news from 2013: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/banks-confiscation_b_2957937
liquidapps IBC tweet: https://twitter.com/LiquidAppsIO/status/1154842918705926145?s=20
Moonlighting: Moonlighting.com
Other apps and links:
Eosfinex: www.eosfinex.com
Itam games: https://itam.games
Equilibrium: https://eosdt.com
Pizza: https://pizza.live
Lumeos: http://lumeos.io
Karma: karmaapp.io
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