eCloudvalley: Build Up An Enterprise-Level IoT Platform In One Minute

eCloudvalley: Build Up An Enterprise-Level IoT Platform In One Minute

In this episode of This is My Architecture –, Steven presents the implementation of eCloudvalley’s IoT platform. It includes the mass IoT devices connection on cloud, rapid resource provision, multi-tenant resource isolation, and data security.

Host: Neo Shao, Solution Architect, AWS
Customer: Steven Kuei, Vice President, eCloudvalley

Title: eCloudvalley 伊克罗德: 一分钟打造企业级物联网管理平台

Description: 在本期的 This is My Architecture 中,桂梓捷先生将介绍eCloudvalley的IoT物联网管理平台,其中包括如何实现海量设备安全稳定的连接,资源快速部署,不同租户的资源隔离以及数据安全。

Host: 邵士毅,AWS 合作伙伴解决方案架构师
Customer: 桂梓捷, Vice President

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