ELASTOS–$ETH to $EOS KILLER☠️? 10X COIN $ELA–Smart Web p2p Internet

ELASTOS–$ETH to $EOS KILLER☠️? 10X COIN $ELA–Smart Web p2p Internet

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?Elastos vs. Ethereum and Elastos vs EOS?
If you haven’t heard of Elastos, then it’s about time you listened. This coin is doing something no other coin is doing. Holding contrarian views to the Ethereum Virtual Machince and smart contracts. Elastos intends to create a new form of internet that is powered by blockchain technology, your devices, and a revolutionary P2P network.

Major things are coming for Elastos this month, and beyond. The future is as bright as can be. Watch out Ethereum and EOS, your about to be dethroned! Long live $ELA!!!

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00:08 Beer Introduction and Bottle Cap Flip
01:03 Elastos Becoming Chico’s Favorite Project
01:25 Elastos Price Has Been Booming
01:57 Presale Investors Have Most Likely Sold
02:39 Elastos Testnet Has Been Released for Developers
03:22 Elastos 1 Year Anniversary Thailand–Huge News!
03:35 Elastos TV Box Will Be Released
04:54 Elastos Cyber Republic Will Launch
06:10 Half Of Genesis $ELA Will Be Going To The Cyber Republic
06:31 How Many $ELA Is The Cyber Republic Getting?
07:58 Elastos Trinity Browser Will Launch
08:39 Closing Statements

?Beer Money Donations,?If you would like to feature your picked brewski, send some crypto and send me an email: tylerswope@chicocrypto.com

BTC 1MRZnYYpMwrmhG6oEd9HYbSzJoVSvPdih9
ETH 0x6b0e08fac3c9d71f44fc0bb8e3ec31ddc2dc04cf
****Won’t Take Your NEO or NEOGas HODL Those Puppies****

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I am just a dude who knows crypto like the back of his hand. Be responsible for your own trades!

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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal, or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. In limited circumstances the speaker has been compensated by a third party. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results. This is not an offer to sell securities. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. You should consult with your professional advisors before purchasing any cryptocurrencies.

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